Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blue Moon in Burnie

31/12/2009 Humpy New Year and Blue Loon @ House of Speed-Hump - 120 Mount Street (Corner of Burton and Mount) in Burnie at 7pm.

Wear something Blue to match the Blue Moon and bring food and booze to share and $$$ for a spot of "out on the town".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

BallPoints Full Moon

BallPoint made sure we all got our edumucation by setting trail past statues and gardens in Deloraine before descending us upon the Old British Hotel for tea. Santas were in abundance, and presents were had for all. Smeg squirted beer, Flasher's rigged raffle included everything from ice-cube trays to the TV in the pub's dining room, stopping just short of raffling off the till. We flashed the moon, but not before Smeg and Flasher tried to catch an off-guard duck. The ducks flew over the cuckoos nest narrowly escaping the loonies, as the moon hid behind the clouds escaping from our bright white arses.

31/12/2009 Marks a Humpy New Year and the Blue Loon is set by Burnie from SpeedHump's place, details TBA but it includes the Burnie Foreshore fireworks, which will light up our white flash.


PS Dini's photos of the run can be seen <here>. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

LoonR at Deloraine

Wednesday December 2nd, meet at the Deloraine Community Centre car Park - on the Launceston side of the bridge - at 7 pm. This moon's Hare Lip is Ballpoint, freshly returned from the depths of the Myanmar jungles and laden with fascinating tropical ailments. Should be ideal to clear us a space in a local Pub.
This is the LoonR Christmas function, so dress accordingly, on a night when too much Holly on you Deck is barely enough, and the HoHo's are everywhere.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moonwa*k 5 at Carrick

Full Moon Success

With abated breath we watched the moon rise to complete yet another successful lunar cycle. We were ready for the stellar event as we had completed Smeg's (respective) walk/run around the town of Carrick - unassisted and unaided, swallowed a decent pub meal and lubricated ourselves in the appropriate fashion for such religious moment. As the moon rose we politely showed our white buttocks to it, in accordance with the secret Lunar Hash code.

This run was more than just roses and sunshine, and more pictures are to follow.

Watch this space for more info on next months run!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Novemba Loona Runa

Tuesday 3rd November - Loona Hash at the Carrick Hotel starting at 7.00pm, set by Smegma.

Meet at Oz Rock Inn Ulverstone at 5.30pm for carpooling/pickup/coach/buggy pickup, next stop Dell Luck BBQ area at the Don at 5.45pm for another pick up. Pay $15.00 if you want to drink beer and purchase your own pub meal, don’t forget to bring loose change and unmarked small denomination notes for Wrigged Loona Raffle .

On On


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Romaine Moon

This months Fool Moon is on a Sunday, and thus coincides with Burnie Hash! To celebrate the end of the waxing of this particular moon Ringo is setting the LoonR Hash from Romaine Park in Burnie starting at 530pm.

We expect you all to be fully waxed for the occasion and hope to get a shiny rear view photo for this LoonR blog.

Not waxed...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LoonRhasH the Third

In line with this week’s host club LoonRhasH—which is already steeped in tradition after only three moon-wa*ks—the bow-tie wearing pack assembled under the light (Ch–ch-ch Cha) of the silvery moon by the Penguin skate park in readiness for the gruelling LoonR trail (i.e. short stroll to the pub). A shady-looking character with a duck-arsed dog handed out cups of contraband moonshine (cardboard port) from the doorway of her motorhome, all the while playing bag-pipe music. Why would anyone think we were weird?

Dinner and a show ensued at the salubrious Neptune Hotel. The show was Flasher doing the raffle—perhaps we should start charging the general public to watch. Every child won a prize, and some wished they hadn’t. The Booby prize was hotly contested - next month’s S & M Wooden Spoon should be even more popular.

Circle followed, with Harelip Bastard allocating the many spurious downs to the thirsty pack. Fool Loon Black Tracka accepted a mask of the Biggest Loon in History (Prince Charles) from Panta-Loons Knickers and Ballpoint. Essential modifications are in process to allow consumption of beverages through the mask .After mooning the moon it was off to the house of the Bastard for warming nightcaps. On On Dini

Some pictures here

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Grizzly Update

The seasonally adjusted rising of the September full moon (Saturday 5 September) which appears one day later than it does down south, for some odd reason - will be celebrated by a bunch of Loonies, led by Hare-y mooner B.A. Stard, starting at 7:00pm from the Penguin boat ramp this Saturday.

With LoonR Hash, Devonport Hash and Global Harriettes all within days of each other, sage JMs Rosemary and Basil have decreed that the LoonR run will also be this week's official Burnie H3 r*n. That should swell the numbers in Penguin!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lunar Hash Run II

Second Consecutive run!

The second NW Lunar Hash was run last Thursday, set by Flasher. We all gathered under the storm clouds awaiting a torrential downpour. As soon as GoneAgain had finally ComeAgain with Mullet the pack scurried off in the direction of the Formby hotel for beer and tucker. Good to see a good Burnie/Launy attendance, we are the NW Lunar Hash after all. Ballpoint and CremeBroule showed up with their new bub who was immediately christened half-moon or something frivolous.

When we were all tanked we decided to brainstorm the NW Hash and decided that if a Full Moon coincided with a NW Hash Run we would have it there. That means Sundays in Burnie, Mondays in Devonport, and Tuesadays and Thursdays in Launceston.

As soon as we ready to be kicked out we proceeded down Stewart Steet, stopping at Dint's office where his colleagues immediately called the cops. Cops were obviously too intimidated by us as they didn't show up till we had cleared the premises.

Mullet danced with PhayWray's umbrella and the rest of the pack shuffled their way back to the cars in a relatively orderly but loud fashion. The circle was held in the rain, and lacking a moon we mooned a passing car and a dark house.

Dini took pics: <here>. In fact she took some good shots of Lunar Hash Run I too, check them out <here>.
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Moon in August

The next Lunar run will be on Thursday August 6th at 7.00pm . Starting from the War Memorial car park on Victoria Parade Devonport. You must wear something that is “howling or Growling“. Bring money for dinner at a local eatery, money for the wrigged raffle and money if you want a poke – at the local pokeries .

On On Flasher

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Off with a Flash

The first, well attended, lunar hash went off with a flash to the full moon. We feasted at RA cafe, announced the new mismanagement team and went for a Rock around the Clock before returning to Otto's Grotto where the first circle was held by the Fool Loon Mr. Tracka the Hare-Lip. The wigged waffle was held and was well rigged by Flasher.

BallPoint was seen scheming with Speedy and Dini to create a suitable mismangement team, Thrust was on the phone to important people, GoneAgain marked the end of his swine flu by blowing out birthday candles on the cake. Dini found the bestest book for her Lunar Tick duties to tick of runners each full moon.

Dini's photos are <here>.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

NW first lunar

  • First lunar run on 07/07/09 starts from Ottos Grotto in Ulverstone at 7pm.
  • No charge for this run but there will be a wigged waffle to waise fund for badges etc.
  • Bring $$$ for counter attack at local pub after walk/run. Oh and a torch just incase the moon is not full and bright (like me on a Saturday night). (He means clouded over... ed.)

Moon Moon

Hare-lip for July


(Yes, that Moondance!)

Well, it's a marvelous night for a mooning
With the beer flowing out of your glass.
A fantabulous night for a moon, yeah,
INTERHASH sure is crawling with ass.

...Where all the beavers on the bimbos are calling
To the hundreds of boners that grow.
'Cause all the beavers and the boners like balling,
And the buns on the runs really show.

And the ni-i-ight's magic
Seems to quiver your bush,
And all the so-o-oft moonlight
Really shines (dah-dah-dah!)
On your tush! (dah-dah-dah!)

Can I just see your moon tonight,
Your sweet, precious butt?
Can I just have one more moon shot
From you, you slut?!

by Whiff from the Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers

Check out these songs that you can listen to <here>.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Receding Moonscape

Could this mean that the inaugural r*n is on Tuesday July 7th, 2009? I'm over the moon!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Test Transmission

Do things go crazy when the moon is full???

Q: For years I've heard cops and emergency room nurses say things really get crazy out there when the moon is full. Is there anything to this? I mean, I've never bought into astrology, because it seems like the stars are too far away to have any effect on us. But the moon is another story--look at the tides.

A: You're not the first person to wonder about this. There have been lots of studies over the years, some of which have purported to show that there really is such a thing as a "lunar effect." For example, one study claimed that an unusual number of traffic accidents occurred during the evenings right around the full and new moons. Later researchers showed that during the time period studied, a disproportionate number of full and new moons fell on weekends, when traffic accidents are always higher.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Once upon a time...

Hi Sir Gone Again , ohms , qbe , aom , qc , be . me and hashe

When we spoke on Monday night we , were looking at starting a Lunar Moon hash club – you were nominated , to construct a new web page using , Me , Trakka anf Sir GA as contacts . We were going to set the runs on the full moon from a pub . Trakka was doing the first , I the second and F*ck Nose the third .

Can you arrange all of this , during your busy press conferences , tv interviews and autograph sessions and group sex romp sessions with all those screaming ladies , who just want to be rogered by a knight – sorry rogered on any night .

Love of love as always

Your in Flashing , sorry Hashing
