31/12/2009 Humpy New Year and Blue Loon @ House of Speed-Hump - 120 Mount Street (Corner of Burton and Mount) in Burnie at 7pm.
Wear something Blue to match the Blue Moon and bring food and booze to share and $$$ for a spot of "out on the town".
Meeting each night of the Full Moon in the remote NW coast of Tasmania there shall be an 8pm run to worship the loonies of the North West.
Meet at Oz Rock Inn Ulverstone at 5.30pm for carpooling/pickup/coach/buggy pickup, next stop Dell Luck BBQ area at the Don at 5.45pm for another pick up. Pay $15.00 if you want to drink beer and purchase your own pub meal, don’t forget to bring loose change and unmarked small denomination notes for Wrigged Loona Raffle .