LoonRHash Moonwalk 10. A joint r*n with LH3. @ the Batman Bridge somewhere near Launceston!.
A few hardy Hashers were on time but many arrived well after the appointed start time! Some had chased the speed of light in their efforts to get from Hawley Beach to the Bridge in under three parts of an hour! Tiles who lives much nearer was even later! Eventually our 'hare' BallPoint sent us on our way with few instructions apart from the fact that trail was set on flour. We headed into the bushes under the bridge then back up a grassy bank onto the Bridge itself; those who suffer from vertigo raced with their eyes shut over to the firm ground on the far side... the rest ooohed and aaahed at the scenery either side of us. Another good loop of scrub and tracks brought us in the gathering gloom to a steep bushy hillside which led us back to re-cross the Bridge and 'on home'. Although it was a balmy evening Mr E soon had a good fire going for us. Tiles punished any hasher who dared breathe in the 'circle'; we ate, we drank, we chatted, we mooned the Moon, we all went home!! Excellent territory, superb evening, wonderful setting with the Full Moon lighting the Bridge behind us. Thank you BallPoint and the LH3 Hashers who made us 'visitors' so welcome. The next LoonRhash will be on 28th April set by that "Great Loon"himself - Black Trakka from the Sheffield Pub.
A Bit of This.
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